Laura Carter

Laura Carter
Come Up into the House

She listened to the song
Of the impossible revolution
The way the marble is composition
Pouring out into a new spring
    There was one there
Who could almost be moved by her plea—
Colored with the newest passion

    Whose maelstrom
Would pretend to see
A body is done?
When will victory be rested down?
Will the poets ever stop their cries?
So    the wanting seems to spread
Long-        est to the eye
The box of hope trampled
The people’s synergy
Here    as they decide which way to go

The swan is    wearing marks
The swan puts marks on collars
As others look on with greatest fear
The swan rubs shoulders with the new money

Come up into the house
Is what the people want to tell the king—
Rest easy    & don’t be lone-
Ly—put the ace back in the center
So to share

Means        before we
Can    stomach this
This polis    which is not only sight

There are so    few that we know
The King of Corners
Marries the Queen of
Spades, & then they move into the town
Someone is reading all the same books
That they read        weeping
Into us
Weeping into us with a new weepsight
The woman says, come up into the house

One man
    The continents
    Disperse a bit
Come up into the house

The other women trim their lamps and wait for others to come

Someone buys them
Orange utopian drinks
    The gardenias are blooming now
Two men    line the
Streets        with relics of church—
The world
Leans into itself
    Who has been lying?
Someone by a lamp
    Turns the oil up—

    Two lines

That rarely meet seem to converge in the wanting
    The others wait

Patiently for their new lovers
As if to say that revolution isn’t what
Entirely was wanted    & yet it
Helps to know that
Some warm body can flummox it
& help it along
Come up into the house


Laura Carter lives, works, and plays in Atlanta, GA. She lives in a comfy yellow house (yes, it’s really yellow) with her dog Viola and cat Sasha, and is active in the poetry and music scenes in the area.

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